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    Provincewide Roleplay Civilian Operations


    Mission Statement

    The Civilian Department is dedicated to delivering an immersive and professional role-playing experience for all community members. Our goal is to create engaging, yet authentic, interactions that mirror real-world scenarios, ensuring that every encounter within the community is both enjoyable and true to life. We are committed to upholding a high standard of professionalism, respect, and leadership within the department, recognizing that these values are crucial to fostering a positive and enriching environment for everyone involved.

    Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the standards set by our leadership, which we strive to maintain and exceed. By establishing clear targets and aspirations for our members, we are able to consistently achieve top-tier role-playing experiences. The Civilian Operations team dedicates significant time and resources to supporting our members, providing them with well-defined goals and objectives that not only challenge them but also help shape the future of our department.

    We believe that by continuously refining our approach and maintaining a strong focus on quality, we can offer the best possible role-playing opportunities to our community. Our department is not just about meeting expectations but about exceeding them, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in role-play, and setting new benchmarks for others to follow. Whether through training, mentorship, or direct engagement, we are devoted to helping our members grow and succeed, ensuring that every role-play scenario is not only realistic but also a memorable and valuable experience for all participants.

    In essence, the Civilian Department is more than just a group of individuals—it is a community built on shared values, mutual respect, and a collective commitment to excellence. We are proud of the work we do and are constantly striving to improve, knowing that our efforts contribute to the overall success and enjoyment of the entire community. Through our dedication, we aim to create a role-playing environment that is not only highly professional and realistic but also deeply rewarding for everyone involved.


    icon_1001027680.png.3c026b9205f761e2b220a01a6e37cdf7.pngIllegal Faction Managementicon_1001027680.png.3c026b9205f761e2b220a01a6e37cdf7.png


    Illegal Faction Management is a specialized and integral team within the Civilian Operations Department, dedicated to assisting civilians who aspire to roleplay as gang members or leaders of illegal organizations. This team plays a crucial role in guiding and supporting these players as they navigate the complex and often challenging world of illegal roleplay. The primary mission of Illegal Faction Management is to ensure that civilians who are interested in exploring the darker side of roleplay can do so in a way that is realistic, immersive, and fully aligned with the server's rules and community standards, all while providing an engaging and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

    The process of establishing and running a successful illegal faction is intricate and requires a deep understanding of both the server's mechanics and the broader narrative context. Illegal Faction Management is there every step of the way, helping civilians to conceptualize, develop, and ultimately launch their gang or illegal organization. This includes assisting with the creation of a compelling backstory, defining the faction's hierarchy, and outlining its goals and operational methods. By working closely with civilians, the team ensures that each faction has a unique identity and purpose within the server's ecosystem, adding depth and variety to the overall roleplay environment.

    One of the core responsibilities of Illegal Faction Management is to provide mentorship and guidance on the intricacies of illegal roleplay. This includes educating civilians on how to portray their characters authentically, manage in-character conflicts, and engage in illegal activities in ways that enhance the realism of the server. The team offers advice on how to conduct various criminal enterprises, such as drug trafficking, extortion, or organized crime, in a manner that is both believable and engaging for all participants. This mentorship is essential in helping civilians transition from traditional roleplay roles into the more complex and often morally ambiguous world of illegal factions.

    Illegal Factions are the core of the server and lead to creating illegal roleplay for both their members and other factions near them. While not always the case, factions are granted this status under the assumption they will act as a local power when dealing with other players throughout the area. As the standard bearers for their specific area, factions are required to abide by all server rules, additionally for example;


    Quality - Factions should not engage in public trolling, or provide unrealistic roleplay for their concept, each individual is also responsible for themselves. This also includes ensuring a realistic age for the character in comparison to their rank.

    Activity - Factions are required to maintain at least 5 active members who contribute roleplay via either roleplay screenshots displaying the faction on their relevant thread and/or in-game activity. 

    Leadership - Leadership is responsible for the roleplay quality of all invited members and must ensure that repetitive or especially egregious breaches of the rules are dealt with internally as well as by faction management. Leadership is responsible for removing players who do not fit the OOC roleplay standards of the faction and failure to do so will reflect on the leadership. Leadership is expected to maintain cordial OOC communication with "rival" factions and work to resolve any OOC issues as much as possible. Leadership is responsible for ensuring the portrayal of the faction remains realistic to the setting and is within the specific requirements set out by IFM, Continuity, and Management. They should be completely open and transparent for any IFM audits of your roleplay, transactions, or OOC dealings and enforce clear and heavy-handed rules surrounding the separation of IC and OOC, metagaming, and roleplay quality (Factions must provide IFM full access to their Discord server).


  • icon_1359013296.png.31a08c3c0b30b67fcda8ef1816abde78.pngLegal Faction Managementicon_1359013296.png.31a08c3c0b30b67fcda8ef1816abde78.png


    Legal Faction Management is a pivotal team within the Civilian Operations Department, dedicated to the oversight, support, and development of legal businesses operated by civilians in the community. This team plays an essential role in ensuring that civilian-run enterprises, ranging from retail stores and security companies to law firms and judicial services, are managed with the highest standards of professionalism, realism, and efficiency. Legal Faction Management is the backbone that enables these businesses to thrive, providing the guidance and resources necessary for civilians to create and sustain realistic and dynamic legal operations within the community.

    The team’s responsibilities extend far beyond mere oversight. Legal Faction Management actively collaborates with business owners to help them develop their concepts, refine their operations, and navigate the complexities of running a legal enterprise in a simulated environment. This involves providing ongoing support in areas such as business planning, compliance with community regulations, and ensuring that all business activities align with the realistic portrayal of the legal sector. The team also offers mentorship and training, equipping civilians with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively manage their businesses and contribute meaningfully to the community’s economic and social fabric.

    One of the key functions of Legal Faction Management is to facilitate the integration of legal businesses into the broader role-playing environment. This includes coordinating with other departments and factions to create interconnected scenarios that enhance the depth and authenticity of the role-play experience. For instance, a law firm might be involved in a case requiring collaboration with law enforcement, or a security company might be tasked with protecting high-profile individuals or properties. Through such collaborations, Legal Faction Management ensures that legal businesses are not only functional entities but also integral parts of the community’s narrative.

    In addition to supporting individual businesses, Legal Faction Management is responsible for upholding the standards and regulations that govern all legal operations within the community. The team works diligently to enforce these standards, ensuring that all legal factions operate within the established rules and contribute positively to the community. This involves regular audits, feedback sessions, and, when necessary, intervention to correct any deviations from the expected norms. By maintaining a fair and consistent regulatory framework, Legal Faction Management helps to foster a stable and trustworthy environment where legal businesses can flourish.


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    Department Executives

    icon_1185853130.png.3837c0cbe2c0746990c26476e3e1bcdc.png Civilian Director

    @Tony A. Civ-1

    icon_1185853130.png.3837c0cbe2c0746990c26476e3e1bcdc.png Civilian Deputy Director

    @Jax B. Civ-2

    icon_1185853130.png.3837c0cbe2c0746990c26476e3e1bcdc.png Civilian Chief of Staff


    icon_1185853130.png.3837c0cbe2c0746990c26476e3e1bcdc.png Civilian Deputy Chief of Staff

    @James P. civ-4

    icon_2694833048.png.46f2a64da83a80773d215756d2520571.png Civilian Secretary of Staff



    The Department Administration oversees all day-to-day operations within the Department.

     icon_2625878932.png.856b64bdbf79a110cdf700610a295caf.png Senior Staff

    Civilian Manager

    Asst. Manager

    Senior Supervisor

    The Department Senior Staff assists the Admins of the Department with oversight of the Department and is the liaison between Staff and Administration Staff.

    icon_862254505.png.f7d6b200fa007f4989e804b91e57c231.png Staff

    Civilian Supervisor

    Asst. Supervisor

    Staff will be assigned with handling all the external operations and communication for the Department, in addition to handling Quality Assurance of trainings, and ensuring members within the Department are meeting requirements

    icon_1761347475.png.2a9ea7aaac47ca869606413892b8e661.png Staff in Training

    Senior Advisor


    Staff in Training will be assigned with handling all the external operations and communication for the Department along with Staff, in addition to handling Quality Assurance of training, and ensuring members within the Department are meeting requirements. Staff in Training is the first position of the Chain of Command, that is still under training to become full time Staff.

  • RecruitmentOPEN
    Reserve: OPEN

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